Frequently asked questions

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Who is ScanFactor for?
ScanFactor is designed for forward-thinking event managers, career fair attendees, and recruiters looking to transform traditional career fairs into highly engaging, efficient, and insightful events.
Do all of the attendees and recruiters have to use ScanFactor?
While ScanFactor can be used flexibly, full participation maximizes the benefits, such as gaining crucial insights and streamlining data collection, which enhances the quality of interactions and outcomes of your career fair.
Do I pay the per company price based on the companies in attendance or the companies that use ScanFactor?
The pricing is based on the number of companies in attendance, ensuring straightforward and transparent costs, regardless of the number of recruiters per booth. This facilitates easier budgeting and planning.
I am a recruiter, do I need a QR code?
As a recruiter, you won't need your own QR code. Instead, you'll use our system to scan attendee QR codes, simplifying how you gather and manage candidate information.
I am a student, where can I get my QR code?
Log in to your ScanFactor profile on a browser and there you will be able to access your QR code to be scanned at the event. When your QR code is scanned, the recruiter will receive all of the information you have uploaded to your profile.